Different Yoga Styles.

Power Yoga- Building Strength and Endurance

Power yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on building strength and capacitates endurance of the people in the various forms of Yoga. The main focus of power yoga by Yogalya is to present yoga in the form of exercise. Power yoga places more emphasis on getting a good full-body workout that is provided by our skilled trainers.

Hatha Yoga is Depicting the Physical Postures of the Techniques of Yoga

Hatha Yoga typically involves a set of physical postures or poses and includes several breathing techniques. This form of yoga is characteristically practiced in a slower manner and with a more static posture than the other forms. It can traditionally be defined as ‘the yoga of force’, or ‘the means of yoga through force’. The Hatha yoga techniques inculcated by Yogalya are considered as anything a person does with the body during practicing yoga.

Stretch Yoga Makes You Flexible and Free from Spasm

Yogalya provides a Stretch Class for Beginners so that they might get used to the flexibility best required during the practice. Here are some benefits of opting for Stretch Yoga:

 Multiple Suryanamaskar Postures
  Different Stretching Techniques for Different Body Parts
 Stretching for Sportsperson, Athletes, Dancers, and Body Builders
  Therapeutic Stretching for Relaxing Muscle Spasm, Muscle Strain/ Sprain, Back pain, Shoulder pain, and Alleviating Body Stiffness.

Ashtanga Yoga is the Athletic Form of Hatha Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is an athletic form of Hatha Yoga involving specific sequences of postures that are performed in a continuous, smooth, speedy manner.

 It promotes mental clarity and inner peace
 We Provide Ashtanga in an A, B Series
 We Offer the Led Yoga Primary Series
 We Present Ashtanga Yoga for Body Flexibility and Strengthening

Iyengar Yoga Helps in Providing a Calmer Mind

Yogalya Yoga uses more than 10 props. Iyengar yoga is one of the traditional types of yoga forms and holds tremendous powers to benefit and heal the body from the stress occurring from the day to day life activities. There are countless reasons to opt for Iyengar yoga, and some of them are listed below:

 It Increases Flexibility
 It Provides Toned Muscles
 It is a Source of A Calmer Mind
 It Helps in Pain Relief
 It Offers Improved Posture

4S Yoga is Instrumental in Healing the Mind and Soul

4S Yoga provided by Yogalya is a complete practice that includes kriya, sukshma vyayama, asana, pranayama, mudras, bandhas, mantra chanting, chakraanusandhana, and meditation which is a key to balancing the inner peace. Following are the perks of 4S Yoga:

 Instrumental in Healing and Health
 Increases Meditation and Awareness along with Total Happiness
 Provides scope for increasing intensity within the practice
 For enthusiastic aspirants, a major step to go deeper into life and living